Feature Overview

  • Separate pieces of content (Pages) which can be grouped together (as a List)

Pages vs Lists

Pages represent independent pieces of content within the loyalty program. Each page can have a set of tabs to to help users easily find different types of information.

Lists  are used to group multiple pages under one category. 

Creating Pages

  1. Select Pages from the Content 
  2. Click the
  3. To create your first Page, fill in the fields as described below:


Any name that will be visible to users.


Short description of the page.

The image displayed in the list of pages

Page detail image

The image displayed in the Page itself, at the very top of the screen. 


Add any number of tabs by clicking thebutton. 

Add custom name and description to each tab. 

Do not forge to save your changes.

Creating Lists

  1. Select Pages from the Content 
  2. Click the List tab at the top of the screen
  3. Click the
  4. To create the List, fill in the list name in a pop up window