Feature Overview
- 1:1 communication with the user
- Let customers ask you anything, get back to them directly
- Managed from the TRIFFT Loyalty Cloud
- Overview of both active tickets and closed ones
The module provides an insight into what your individual customers care about. It lets them ask you anything via a direct message.
All the messages are stored in the TRIFFT Loyalty Cloud, split between Active tickets and Closed Tickets.
Active tickets
The "Active tickets" tab features all tickets that currently being solved. The overview includes:
- Ticket ID
- Title of the ticket
- User name
- Last action (time and date of the most recent reply)
- Last reply by (indication of whether last reply was made by the user of the agent)
- Actions (by clicking the pencil icon you will get to )
Closed tickets
The "Closed tickets" tab features all tickets that have already been solved and closed.
Replying to tickets
- Click Direct Messages in the CRM
- Here you will find a list of all the direct messages your customers have sent you
- To reply to any of the messages, click the
The new page will show you:
- A user's name
- The ticket's name
- A history of conversation with the particular user
- A reply box at the very bottom of the conversation
To reply to the ticket, you simply write your answer to the text box with a simple text editor.
Closing tickets
To close further communication once you feel the issue has been resolved, click MARK TICKET AS SOLVED.